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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / Economy / Agriculture


The agricultural land of the region in the public sector makes 18,5 thousand hectares, of them 11,0 thousand – arable land (59.4 per cent), 7,4 thousand – grassland (40 per cent), gardens – 122 hectares (7 per cent). The land under reclamation accounts for 64.8 per cent (12,0 thousand hectares) of the total area of the agricultural land.

The agro-industrial sector comprises five agricultural companies involved in grain-crops and potato cultivation and meat and milk production.

Due to the program on producing “clean” food products the region has recently had no case of crops with the radionuclide contents exceeding the permissible levels. Every year before appearing on sale grain-crops, potato, fruits and vegetables undergo radiological caesium-137 and strontium-90 control.

The potato exported to the CIS member-states undergo radiological and quarantine control in the customs house. Pre-sale examination of meat and milk products shows that the radioactive contamination level does not exceed the permissble levels.

Provided the programs are financed regularly, the milk production in the region will reach 6930 ton by 2010 and will make 126 per cent against 2005; sales of cattle in live weight – 875 ton (168 per cent); grain production will ramp up by 20 per cent, potato cultivation – by 50 per cent. All agricultural companies of the region will be profit-making with the agricultural product profitability of no less than 10 per cent.