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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
7 October 2008

Alexander Lukashenko: any relations with European Union if Belarus’ sovereignty is respected

Belarus is open to cooperation with any European structures, is ready for any relations with the European Union, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko as he met with OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb on October 7. “In exchange we only ask to respect our sovereignty, our traditions and not to demand what we cannot do,” said the President. “I’ve said already that if Europe makes two steps towards us, we are ready to make five,” he added. “If the European Union wants the centre of Europe to stay in Europe, any iron curtains should be removed,” believes the President of Belarus. In his opinion, Alexander Stubb’s visit is a serious signal signifying that relations with Belarus should be developed. “We shouldn’t lock each other on different sides of some new Berlin wall. We should negotiate and jointly address topical issues,” said Alexander Lukashenko. He also pointed out there are so many serious issues and challenges for Europe that “the things you criticise us for pale beside these challenges”. “We are absolutely normal people who would like to cooperate with the European system, as it is the system we live in,” said Alexander Lukashenko. In his opinion, the Belarusian dictatorship stereotype was devised beyond the Atlantic Ocean and was artificially planted in Europe. “Finland is our close neighbour and I am sure no Finn believes Belarus represents any threat to him or to Europe,” remarked the head of state. “We pursue a productive peaceful policy and cannot pursue any other as the economy itself will not allow us to do it,” he added. Alexander Lukashenko believes, “Europe’s problem is setting impossible tasks for us, tasks formulated from a one-sided point of view, which arose from talks with representatives of the so-called opposition”. He remarked for 15 years already the essentially productive opposition led by the President, who once rose to power as an opposition representative, has been in power in Belarus. The head of state underscored Belarus is ready to promote cooperation with Finland. “We are learning a lot from you. Finland is a country very similar to Belarus, with a similar climate,” he said. “We transfer your practices to our agriculture, civil engineering and energy industry”. “A while ago I instructed the government to actively assimilate Finnish experience, including experience of building an atomic power plant, and to take into account the environmental protection experience of your country,” added the Belarusian leader.