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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
15 May 2009

Alexander Lukashenko: nuclear research should benefit Belarusian economy, science, defence

MINSK, May 15 (BelTA) – The development of Belarusian research in the field of nuclear power engineering should produce tangible profits for the Belarusian economy, the social sphere as well as military security of the country, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko as he visited the United Energy and Nuclear Research Institute Sosny of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on May 15, the presidential press service told BelTA. Thanks to direct support by the head of state the institute avoided its collapse in the 1990s. The President visited the facility in 1998 and 2002. This time Alexander Lukashenko examined and officially launched a research nuclear mini reactor. Codenamed Hyacinth, it was created following his instruction and with assistance of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The President also got familiar with unique cutting-edge technologies and equipment designed by Belarusian scientists. Alexander Lukashenko was provided detailed information about the development of this international project. The institute designed Hyacinth for researching neutron multiplying assemblies and accomplishing various projects for the Belarusian economy. According to Chairman of the Board of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) Mikhail Myasnikovich, the critical installation Hyacinth is a unique nuclear research facility. Along with another Sosny-based installation Yalina the Hyacinth installation is in the world’s top ten similar systems. Hyacinth is one of the most technologically advanced objects on par with space, nuclear and nano technologies, stressed Mikhail Myasnikovich. The new installation will enable an ever burning nuclear reaction without external sources. The facility is designed for examining things relating to the design of nuclear reactors, fuel optimisation (performance coefficient improvement), for testing machines for nuclear stability, for training and apprenticeship of nuclear energy personnel as well as for mutually beneficial scientific and technical cooperation with nuclear centres of foreign nations. The implementation of the project indicates the innovative nature of the Belarusian economy development. Nuclear powers (in particular, the USA and Russia) show an increased interest in using the Belarusian potential for joint nuclear research projects. According to the NASB, for one dollar invested in the Yalina complex there are four dollars in foreign investments. It is very important that all Sosny projects have been agreed with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The Hyacinth project has been implemented using international support. According to Mikhail Myasnikovich, Belarus is at the forefront of the world’s nuclear research. “It is not just a claim of ours, but the opinion of foreign colleagues, who cooperate with us in the projects Yalina and Hyacinth,” he said. At present Belarusian scientists are busy with matters relating to the assimilation of hydrogen energy technologies that will replace the nuclear fission energy. Foreign scientists from Japan, China, the USA and other countries demonstrate a huge interest in these projects. While visiting the Sosny Institute, Alexander Lukashenko heard out reports about Belarus’ nuclear power engineering development. In particular, the head of state was informed about the progress in building Belarus’ first nuclear power plant and the development of the relevant infrastructure. The United Energy and Nuclear Research Institute Sosny of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was founded in 2001. It is the successor of the Nuclear Power Engineering Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic. By the time the institute was founded a research nuclear reactor IRT-2000 had been deployed at the site along with a test wing with thermophysical experiment machines, with a physical capacity reactor lab operational. It is the country’s only institution experienced in scientific support for and designing nuclear reactors, critical installations and other nuclear and radiation installations as well as in scientific supervision of projects for designing a mobile nuclear power plant.