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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
14 April 2009

Belarus government highly values Roman Catholic Church mission

MINSK, April 14 (BelTA) - The government will build up relations with the Roman Catholic Church, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko as he met with Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, Archbishop Metropolitan of Minsk and Mogilev of the Roman Catholic Church, on April 14. The meeting took place at Saint Mary’s Archcathedral Church, the press service of the President of Belarus told BelTA. “We have developed a good tradition of the President’s meetings with representatives of main confessions and it must not be broken. I am satisfied with the relations, which are emerging between the spiritual and secular authorities. We will do our best to not only preserve, but also make these relations stronger and firmer. It is my task as the head of state,” underscored Alexander Lukashenko. He reminded that he had met with Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, who had talked a lot about relations between the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches, about the Pope and Metropolitan Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz. “I am glad that the Patriarch is intent on uniting the Christianity. The Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church should be closer and deal with emerging issues in a way to avoid breaking Christian ties,” underlined the President. The head of state pointed out the great personal contribution of Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz to establishing the dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. “You are a man devoted to keeping peace and calm in the country. Your heart is bleeding for Belarusian land,” said Alexander Lukashenko. “We greatly value the mission of the Roman Catholic Church and you personally. We will support not only contacts with but the Roman Catholic Church itself,” underlined the President. Alexander Lukashenko remarked he welcomes the intention of the Roman Catholic Church to restore and build temples. In his words, the Roman Catholic Church builds them fast without delaying construction. “I like it as well,” said the President. Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz upheld the idea of developing the dialogue with the Orthodox Church. “Relations should be developed to the extent of our abilities. The Church should protect and does protect interests of people,” remarked the Archbishop Metropolitan of Minsk and Mogilev. He pointed out the Roman Catholic Church devotes a lot of efforts to charity. In particular, a refuge for 50 people has been set up in Gomel. It is serviced by sisters of charity of the Mother Theresa Order. There are branches of the charity organisation Caritas under the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Belarus and in all parishes. Charity organisations of the Roman Catholic Church cooperate with social protection agencies. According to Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, the dialogue between confessions develops successfully in Belarus. He pointed out the importance of partnership between Christian confessions. In particular, the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church are jointly intent on assisting the resolution of such urgent problems as drug addiction and AIDS. The Roman Catholic Church plays an essential role in Belarus’ religious life. It is the second largest confession in the country in the number of believers. Over the last 20 years the number of parishes has quadrupled and now stands at 467. In Belarus there are four eparchies: Minsk-Mogilev archeparchy as well as Pinsk, Grodno, and Vitebsk eparchies. In April 1999 the Holy See created the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Belarus. Cardinal Kazimierz Swiatek presided over the conference till June 2006. Bishop Alexander Kashkevich is the current president. In February 2009 Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz was elected Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Interconfessional Council under the Commissioner for Religions and Nationalities. The council includes heads of Belarusian religious associations.