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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
6 December 2010

Belarus President: We are close to securing high living standards

MINSK, 6 December (BelTA) – Belarus is close to the ultimate goal – high living standards and the quality of life of its people. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko made the statement in his opening speech at the Fourth All-Belarus People’s Congress on 6 December. Such congresses are respected and recognized in Belarus, said the Belarusian head of state. “It would suffice to recall their chronology,” said Alexander Lukashenko. The President reminded that the first congress took place in a critical period of the country’s life. Back then the nation’s advice helped make the choice in favor of an evolutionary way of development rather than a shock therapy that would rob the entire nation to make a few people rich. The second congress authorized the modern Belarusian development model and put forward the idea that managed to consolidate the nation – the creation of a powerful and prosperous country. Alexander Lukashenko continued, the third congress secured the high dynamics of the country’s social and economic development and put forward a new strategic task – the creation of a state for people. It turned the government policy towards benefitting the people. Resolutions of the previous congresses allowed Belarus to evolve as an independent country, largely increasing its economic potential and securing forward-looking social development, said the Belarus President. “Within a short time we have managed to go a long way. We steered the country away from the abyss, on which edge it stood in the early 1990s. We have come closer to the ultimate goal - high living standards and the quality of life of the Belarusian people”. According to Alexander Lukashenko, the Fourth All-Belarus People’s Congress is the finishing touch in the nationwide revision of the state of affairs in the country and the determination of the country’s development prospects. The head of state reminded that the five years since the Third All-Belarus People’s Congress was the time that tested the durability of the Belarusian social, economic and political development model. This period saw everything: economic sanctions and political demarches against Belarus, attempts to destabilize the state of affairs using methods of “colored revolutions” and provocations, it saw trade wards and the global financial and economic crisis. “We didn’t allow ourselves to get entangled in any risky political actions. We worked hard in the name of happiness, well-being and prosperity of our Fatherland,” said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.