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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
28 October 2008

Belarus will meet investment growth target in 2008

In 2008 Belarus will meet the investments growth target which is 25%, Economy Minister Nikolai Zaichenko said at a session of the Council of Ministers on October 28. According to him, in January-September capital investments increased by 23.2%. The Economy Ministry and other government bodies have been carrying out comprehensive work to ensure the growth of investments. “The investment growth schedules have been set out for every ministry, concern, region. We will no doubt reach the 25% growth target by the end of the year,” Nikolai Zaichenko said. According to the system of investment projects monitoring, investments are not utilised under 80 projects with the total volume of investment of Br361 billion. 53 of them are included in the national innovation development programme and this is especially alarming, Nikolai Zaichenko stressed. The Bellesbumprom concern is having the biggest problems with investment utilization (around 20%). The Belneftekhim concern has reduced the lagging behind with 21.9% (the target is 25%). “Considering the fact that the concern raises the biggest volume of investment, it is important that it should reach the target. The Ministries of Industry and Agriculture, the city of Minsk and Minsk oblast need to improve their results by the end of the year,” Nikolai Zaichenko said. A total of 568 projects are underway in Belarus this year under the national investment programme. 258 of them are expected to be delivered this year. Over the nine months 130 facilities were put in operation as against the projected 90. The utilization of the funds stands at 81.4%.