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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
28 May 2008

Belarusian-Polish intergovernmental agreement on mutual travels ratified by parliament

The House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus has ratified the Belarusian-Polish intergovernmental agreement on mutual travels. Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus Viktor Gaisenok said, the agreement is supposed to regulate terms of entry, exit, temporary stay and transit in and via Poland and Belarus for citizens of the two states, including facilitated visa procedures for some population categories. According to the agreement citizens of one state can stay in the other country for up to 180 days a year (90 days within six months). The agreement lists Belarusian and Polish documents, which are recognised as identity documents. The agreement allows visa-free travels for citizens with diplomatic passports, which allow their holders to stay in the other country for up to 30 days since crossing the border, to exit and travel in transit via the country. Visa-free travels are also available to aircraft and sea vessel crews under certain conditions. In line with the agreement Belarusian citizens, who have permissions to stay or residence permits in Poland, can enter, stay in Poland and exit the country without visas using an effective travel document, which identifies the holder, and an effective residence permit issued by Polish authorities. Free visas will be available to children under six, school and university students, postgraduate students and their accompanying teachers, who leave their home country for studies in another one, as well as scientists on research trips. In some cases using the reciprocity principle free visas are available to participants of scientific, technical, cultural and sports events. The agreement allows issuing multiple-entry visas, which are effective for up to one year, to official delegations, railway transport personnel, international truckers as well as individuals, who go on a trip to maintain kinship. Viktor Gaisenok noted, the decision to decrease the cost of Polish visas cannot be made by Belarus and Poland alone. The European Union links visa cost talks with the implementation of the good neighbourly policy but puts forward political demands for Belarus. Which is why the work in this area is extremely complicated, said the official.