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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
19 May 2008

CIS council of heads of government to consider 21 issues

The agenda of the next session of the CIS council of the heads of government will include 21 issues. The session will be held in Minsk on May 23, BelTA was told in the press service of the CIS Executive Committee. The key issue on the agenda will be the implementation of the commission given by the council of the heads of state on October 5, 2007 and the council of the heads of government in November to develop the strategy of the CIS economic development. The session will also consider the proposals in the sphere of unified transport policy of the CIS member states and joint measures to increase food security of the CIS. The CIS council of the heads of government will consider the draft convention on frontier cooperation. 2007 was declared the year of migration in the CIS. This area of cooperation got a lot of attention last year. Active measures were taken to harmonize the migration policy in the CIS. A key role in implementing the Dushanbe resolutions in this issue is attached to the newly-created CIS council for migration. The members of the council had held two sessions to discuss cooperation of the member states in migration and enhancing the efficiency of inter-agency cooperation in this area. The draft agenda includes the draft convention on the legal status of labour migrants and the members of their families who come from the CIS member states. The main objective of the convention is to assist the finalization of the legal status of labour migrants and the members of their families as well as the implementation of the equal rights of the migrants and the citizens of the host countries in everything related to their living and working conditions. The heads of government will also consider a series of financial and other issues. Apart from that, the participants of the session are to discuss the issues related to the chairmanship in the Council of the CIS heads of government. According to the regulation procedures, the chairmanship in the Council is determined according to the rotation principle in the alphabetical order of the states for a one-year term unless the Council otherwise provides. The previous and the following chairmen of the Council are its co-chairmen. As the term of Ukraine as the chairman of the Council is coming to an end, Belarus is to become the next chairman of the Council.