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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
25 April 2008

Increase in prices for farm produce will be compensated by rise in wages, President says

The increase in prices for farm produce will be compensated by the rise in wages, President Alexander Lukashenko said when visiting the Stolin region of the Brest oblast on April 25. According to the head of state, Belarus should make use of the growing demand and prices for farm products worldwide. “In rich Europe, in America the prices for agricultural products have risen significantly. This is good for Belarus. Our agricultural workers will be able to get twice as much for their products. Naturally the processes going on in the world trigger an increase in prices here, you wouldn’t escape this. Having earned two times as much we should meet all salary targets set in the rural revival programme. In the near future we will revise the wages in the agricultural industry,” the Belarusian leader stressed. “If you increase prices for products, increase wages to people. Then there will be no need to restrain prices in shops. We will not be able to restrain them otherwise all our cheap products will leak abroad as in some neighboring countries the prices are twice as high. It is impossible to restrain prices artificially. We have learnt this lesson,” the President said, Alexander Lukashenko added that Belarus will take measures to protect interests of people in this situation.