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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
7 May 2012

Kazakhstan president to visit Belarus on 12-14 May

ASTANA, 7 May (BelTA - KAZINFORM) – An official visit of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev to Belarus will take place on 12-14 May, Altai Abibulayev, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan, told media on 7 May. According to the source, while in Belarus Nursultan Nazarbayev is expected to hold talks with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. The sides will discuss the state and prospects of Belarusian-Kazakh cooperation in politics, trade, economy, cultural and humanitarian areas. There are plans to share opinions on a large number of issues on the international agenda. Close attention will be paid to practical steps to enhance Belarus-Kazakhstan cooperation in industry, agribusiness, science and technology, transportation, and investments. Attention will be paid to enhancing cooperation in carrying out joint actions in 2012-2013 as part of the roadmap of the Belarus-Kazakhstan economic cooperation program for 2009-2016. The spokesman said the presidents of Belarus and Kazakhstan will also discuss cooperation in regional integration bodies: the CIS, EurAsEC, the Customs Union, the Single Economic Space, and the Collective Security Treaty Organization. The sides are expected to make several joint statements and sign several intergovernmental agreements.