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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
28 April 2011

Lukashenko: Belarus-Turkmenistan relations based on principles of strategic partnership and alliance

ASHGABAT, 28 April (BelTA) - Belarus and Turkmenistan are building relations on the principles of strategic partnership and alliance, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said as he met with Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. “I believe it is extremely important that in recent years our countries have been developing mutually beneficial and equal relations. We have reached a level of strategic partnership and, more importantly, alliance,” said Alexander Lukashenko. He noted that the countries have identified priority avenues of bilateral cooperation. These are trade, agriculture, construction of an ore mining and processing plant to produce potash fertilizers. Alexander Lukashenko believes that the project designed by Belarusian specialists will provide a comprehensive development of the Garlyk field based on the most advanced technologies. With a rich experience of production and sale of potassium fertilizers, Belarus believes the project has good prospects and export potential. Belarus does not look at Turkmenistan as a competitor in the global market, but views this country as a reliable partner. The Belarusian President drew attention to the reliability of the Belarusian equipment, which is used across all regions of Turkmenistan. He confirmed that Belarus is ready to double supplies of equipment to Turkmenistan this year. Belarus is also ready to share its experience in agriculture management. The Belarusian President stressed that technologies and advanced techniques are the future of agriculture. “Today I have another opportunity to make sure that Turkmenistan is eager to expand the strategic cooperation with Belarus,” Alexander Lukashenko stressed. Speaking about Belarus-Turkmenistan interaction on international scene, Alexander Lukashenko assured that Belarus is always ready to support Turkmenistan in any situation. He added that Belarus has never been guided by opportunistic approaches. Alexander Lukashenko also praised the recent achievements of Turkmenistan. “Your main achievement is that you have managed to secure Turkmenistan’s independence and progress despite any hardships. You have created the foundation of the independent Turkmenistan. It is the biggest merit of yours and your colleagues,” said Alexander Lukashenko as he addressed his Turkmen counterpart. We can see the fruits of the independent Turkmenistan. Please remember Belarus is you friend. We are maximally transparent in developing relations. We are ready to share everything you can find useful in Belarus,” the Belarusian head of state said.