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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
1 October 2010

Lukashenko optimistic about Belarus-Russia relations

MINSK, 1 October (BelTA) – Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko believes that despite current issues Belarus-Russia relations have good prospects ahead. Alexander Lukashenko made this statement at a press conference to Russian regional mass media on 1 October, BelTA has learnt. “Let us divide Belarus-Russia relations on two or three levels, like the relations between people, companies, regions and the governments. The first level is relations between people and enterprises. Politics has not interfered here yet, so the relations are pretty good. Especially on the level of people. I think it is very hard to build any barriers here and pit our peoples against each other. This is why all the things that have been done, including our big strides to give equal rights to our citizens within the Union State, can hardly be destroyed, unless, of course, Russia abandons the plans, bills, agreements that have been signed. But I do not think Russia will abandon them, as this will be detrimental to the Russian society and people,” Alexander Lukashenko said. The head of state noted that Belarus will honor its commitments regarding the relations of the two peoples. “As for enterprises, the relations here are more or less ok, too, in case some people and politicians have not interfered. Over the six months this year, the trade grew by 30%. This figure is made up by enterprises, as you know,” the President said. The relations between the regions and local authorities are not bad, but not as good as they used to be, the Belarusian leader said. “Governors used to have more freedom, because they were elected by people. I cannot think of any objections to their visits to Belarus earlier and we have managed to do a lot. But there are some changes for the worse, as the center tells them where to go and what to do.” “The relations between the heads of state and government leave much to be desired, to put it mildly. I think there is no need to give definition to these relations; you see what has been going on recently. However, despite all this, I am absolutely sure that this tactics (I do not think this is strategy) will be abandoned by the Russian leadership. Because Russia will lose big by losing Belarus. This will be not only a geopolitical catastrophe, but, first of all, a moral catastrophe.” The head of state explained, “This is the closest and most reliable nation for Russia. Russians and Belarusians are almost one people. This is why I am talking about the moral aspect. You know how the Russian society will react to that. This is why I think that this poorly conceived policy (if they had thought it through, they would not have done it) imposed on us today, will be short-lived. Therefore, our relations have good prospects. They rest upon a solid basis. No matter how hard we try to hush up our achievements, though small they are, within the Union State, they do exist. No other state has this kind of relations with Russia.” “As for Belarus, if there is a will of the Russian state and Russian leadership, first of all, within three months, half a year at the most, we will not only build our relations and come back to the relations we used to have, but even go much further. We are ready for that, as you know, it is not up to us now,” the President underlined.