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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
27 May 2011

Lukashenko orders better control over labor discipline

MINSK, 27 May (BelTA) – Control over the observance of labor discipline must be toughened, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at the government session held on 27 May to discuss the situation on the consumer market and the foreign currency market. “The State Control Committee, the government, oblast governors are from now on authorized to resolve problems of the consumer market, discipline and order at enterprises and in the country,” said the head of state. “I don’t want to hear complaints that the State Control Committee, police or government agencies were fulfilling instructions of the president to control labor discipline and caught someone shopping when the said someone was supposed to be at work,” warned Alexander Lukashenko. “Don’t wait for additional instructions. Sack them right away,” demanded the President. “Tomorrow they will start demanding higher salaries. But salaries can’t be raised if labor productivity stays at the same level,” added the head of state. “The poor need support as well as the disabled and students. Those who can work, must be made to work, then salaries will rise,” said the President. Alexander Lukashenko believes that labor discipline is the top-priority thing that civil servants should be concerned about. “Half of the personnel of ministries roam Minsk streets. If you catch them, send them packing right away. We set an example of how work should be done,” said the President.