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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
6 September 2011

Over 150 projects implemented in Gomel as part of Capital of Culture 2011 project

MINSK, 6 September (BelTA) – More than 150 cultural projects have been implemented in Gomel as part of the Gomel – Belarus and CIS Capital of Culture 2011 project, BelTA learned from spokesperson of the Belarusian Culture Ministry Anna Smolskaya. Gomel became the Belarus and CIS Capital of Culture eight months ago. It hosted numerous events, such as the international contest Guitar Renaissance, the international festival Slavonic Theater Meetings, concerts of the Belarusian State Dance Company Kharoshki, the Prazdnik folk music company, the academic song and dance company of the Belarusian Armed Forces. Gomel is the venue for various festivals, contests, national and international exhibitions. In H1 2011 the city hosted exhibitions of Vitold Byalynitsky-Birulya of Belarus, Francoise Limouzy of France, a photo exhibition of Viktor Smolsky, the Belarus-Italy modern art exhibition Palace Fiesta 2011, etc. Works of young artists, teachers and children were displayed at the festival of research projects and the international children’s painting contest. Gomel also welcomed the Belarusian State Academic Musical Theater and the Maxim Gorky National Academic Theater. Gomel hosted the week of Belarusian and Russian cinema, the festival of the best Belarusian and Russian movies Victory Day, the festival of the CIS children’s animation. The city played host to the Days of Ukrainian Culture as part of the CIS Capital of Culture project. On 15-18 September the city will be the venue for the 6th international festival of choreography Sozhski Karagod. According to Anna Smolskaya, by the end of the year there are plans to organize a number of projects in cooperation with the CIS Interstate Humanitarian Cooperation Fund. Among them are the CIS Days of Culture, the Belarus-Russia project Wedding, the CIS Youth Academy. The projects are sponsored by the Culture Ministry, the Information Ministry, the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee, Gomel City Hall, the CIS Interstate Humanitarian Cooperation Fund.