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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
14 October 2009

Population census starts in Belarus

MINSK, 14 October (BelTA) – The population census will take place in Belarus from 14 to 24 October, BelTA informs. According to the National Statistics Committee, a population census is a state-organized statistical observation that is the major information source crucial for planning the country’s socio-economic policy. The census answers various questions connected with the quality of life in each region of the country, an educational level of the citizens, their social status and living conditions, etc. The population census is hold and supervised by the state statistics bodies and the national governmental bodies – the Interior Ministry, the KGB, the State Border Committee, the Foreign, Defense, Education, Health, Labor and Social Security Ministries. The 2009 census will involve nearly 48,000 temporary staff, including 38,200 census takers who are mainly university students and employees of organizations. Moreover, there have been organized more than 3,000 census stations and a great deal of instructor and registration stations. A census questionnaire contains 37 most important questions which answers provide detailed demographic, national, cultural and socio-economic information on the population. The 2009 census questionnaire bears new questions about the inland, foreign migration and commuting to study the formation of human resources in the administrative regions, towns and settlements. In line with the census law respondents cannot interfere with the population census and should provide true personal data. The personal data provided by respondents is confidential and used only for the statistical purposes. The preliminary results of the population census in the Republic of Belarus will be announced in early February 2010. The preliminary data on the number and composition of the Belarusian urban and rural population including in oblasts, oblast centers, Minsk and towns with the population over 100,000 will be announced in February 2010. The personal data will be fully processed by 30 December 2011. The information unveiling the major indices of the demographic and socio-economic situation with the population of the Republic of Belarus will be published in statistical collections, bulletins, mass media outlets and posted on the official website of the Belarusian National Statistics Committee.