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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
14 October 2010

Presidential candidates to get 60 minutes of free TV and radio primetime

MINSK, 14 October (BelTA) - Presidential candidates in Belarus will be entitled to two 30-minute TV presentations (to be broadcast from 7.00pm to 8.00pm) and to two 30-minute radio presentations (from 6.10am to 6.40am), Nadezhda Kiseleva, a representative of the Central Election Commission (CEC), said at a CEC session. The CEC has adopted a resolution on the use of the state media during the election campaign. The presidential candidates are entitled to speak free of charge in several state-owned mass media including First Channel of the Belarusian Radio, First National Channel, the central newspapers Narodnaya Gazeta, Respublika, Zviazda, SB and also regional newspapers. According to CEC Chairperson Lidia Yermoshina, the candidates for presidency had earlier received free air time from 6.00pm to 7.00pm on TV and from 8.00am to 9.00am on radio. This time they have more a convenient time frame. Presidential candidates will also be able to partake in televised debates. For that they will need to send a relevant application to the Belarusian TV and Radio Broadcasting Company till 26 November. The company will decide upon the date of the debates and other technical details. The debates will require the participation of at least two candidates or their authorized delegates. No additional airtime will be allocated to presidential candidates if they fail to attend the debates. This time the presidential candidates are allowed to buy additional airtime and space in newspapers. For that they will need to conclude a relevant agreement with a mass media outlet.