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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
29 January 2010

Regional newspapers should measure up to 21st century standards

MINSK, 29 January (BelTA) – Regional newspapers should measure up to the 21st century standards, Information Minister of Belarus Oleg Proleskovsky told reporters on 29 January, BelTA has learnt. “The head of state gave an assessment of the current development level of newspapers. Newspapers try to avoid covering local problems, giving a nonobjective assessment of their bosses’ work. This is why there is much room for improvement,” the Information Minister said. People have a great trust in regional newspapers which popularity rating is second only to the main newspaper of the country. It is right and fair, Oleg Proleskovsky believes. The demand for local news is very high. Modern regional newspapers cannot be compared with those newspapers that circulated some five years ago. They are different in color, make-up and design, though, unfortunately it pertains not to all the regional media outlets. It is important that regional newspapers have online versions or at least be represented at the websites of the relevant oblast executive committees. “We will try to turn regional newspapers into media outlets of the 21st century. They enjoy a great trust and they have to justify it,” the Information Minister underlined.