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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
27 May 2008

UN appreciates Belarus’ contribution to European and global stability

European states do not fully realize the importance of the contribution of Belarus to the regional stability, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said at the meeting with Antonio Maria Costa, UN Under-Secretary-General, Director General of the UN Office in Vienna, Executive Director of the UNO in Minsk on May 27. “Unfortunately, European states underestimate the role we play in preventing international crime. Belarus is an effective barrier which blocks the way for this evil which is coming from the west to east and from east to west,” the head of state underlined. “We would like European countries to give us the credit we deserve for the great contribution that we have been making to the European safety by combating terrorism, drug trafficking, trade in arms and radioactive elements,” he said. Alexander Lukashenko added that Belarus regularly and efficiently participates in all the UN projects. “Belarus has a considerable experience concerning international crime prevention. And more than that we have achieved good results in this area,” the President underlined. According to him, this is most eloquently revealed through the fact that at present traffic flows of drugs, arms and illegal migrants do not cross the borders of the country. “Today these flows bypass Belarus”, Alexander Lukashenko noted. The UN Secretariat appreciates Belarus’ contribution to strengthening the European and global stability, Antonio Maria Costa said. “UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon knows well about the significant role which Belarus plays in counteracting such dangerous phenomena as human trafficking, illicit arms trade, illegal migration and illicit drugs,” Antonio Maria Costa noted. He reminded that on the initiative of Belarus the UN General Assembly will hold special debates on human trafficking on June 3. Antonio Maria Costa noted that in the course of his visit to Belarus he intends to discuss the ways of addressing certain problems relating to the fight against transnational crime. According to the UN official, UNODC is considering a possibility of setting up a UNODC regional office in Minsk.