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Narovlya Regional Executive Committee
Main / News / Republic
30 May 2012

Youth organizations of Amur, Gomel oblasts sign cooperation agreement

GOMEL, 30 May (BelTA) – The Youth Parliament under the Legislative Assembly of Amur Oblast (Russia) and the Gomel Oblast Civil Organization of the BRSM Youth Union signed an agreement on cooperation, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Gomel oblast youth organization. The agreement was concluded at an extended meeting of the BRSM Oblast Committee which took place as part of a seminar, The Role of the Leader in BRSM Activity. The organizations agree to cooperate in various areas of the youth policy: working experience and information sharing, development of joint projects, participation in joint events. According to the BRSM oblast organization, it is not the only one agreement on cooperation which has been signed with the Russian youth organizations. The youth of Gomel Oblast cooperate with young people from Bryansk, Kursk and Orel Oblasts as well as Chernigov (Ukraine). The schedule for this year includes almost 25 joint events. Among them is an international youth camp Friendship slated for June. Young people will meet for Interregional and Open Cups of the Clubs of the Lightheaded and Quick-Witted, tournaments, contests and festivals, sports and tourism events.