Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



6 June 2006

Alexander Pushkin birthday celebrated in Gomel

A solemn event Alexander Pushkin Memory Day timed to the 207th anniversary since the birthday of the great Russian poet was held in Gomel today. The initiative to hold the event had been put forward by Gomel specialised Slavonic library. Youth of art, Gomel poets, students and professors of Gomel State Linguistic Gymnasium attended the solemn event, which took place near Pushkin’s bust. Pushkin fans recited excerpts from Pushkin’s poems and Gomel men of letters recited verses of their own. Flowers were also placed to the monument to Alexander Pushkin. It is not the first time an event is arranged to commemorate the birthday of the great Russian poet in the city upon Sozh. There is a concept stating that Alexander Pushkin visited Gomel several times during his travels.
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