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13 November 2009

Alexander Yakobson praises Gomel oblast agricultural achievements in 2009

HOINIKI, 13 November (BelTA) – Gomel Oblast Governor Alexander Yakobson praised the achievements of the Gomel oblast agricultural workers in 2009 as he addressed the participants of the Dazhynki 2009 oblast festival/fair in Hoiniki on 13 November, BelTA has learnt. In 2009 like a year before the Gomel oblast harvested 1 million tonnes of cereal crops. Some years ago nobody would believe that it was possible, but good labor organization, restructuring, new technologies and scientific approaches turned this goal into reality. Gomel oblast agricultural workers harvested a record high yield of grain – 34.1 centners per hectare on the average. Bulk yield of potatoes, rape, sugar beet rose by one third, Alexander Yakobson underlined. “The profitability of our production stands close to 20%; all agricultural enterprises make profit, Gomel Oblast Governor said. “Over this period they earned about Br220 billion. It is great success and we should not lose momentum.” According to Alexander Yakobson, heads of agricultural enterprises have gained some experience of working in the market conditions; they have studied the factors that can help boost the production. The governmental support also played a great role here. Over the past four years of the implementation of the rural revival programme, Br8.5 trillion was invested in the region’s development. Alexander Yakobson noted that the overhaul and re-specialization programmes have been underway in the local agriculture industry. The industry is heavily invested in. For example, in 2008-2009, Br715 billion was spent to acquire new machines and special -purpose equipment. This year the oblast acquired 750 new grain and fodder harvesters and tractors, 260 MAZ trucks, 144 tillage devices. Eleven new grain drying facilities were put into operation. Almost Br189 billion was used to construct new state-of-the-art dairy farms in every region. Alexander Yakobson thanked thousands of agricultural workers of the Gomel oblast. The governor attended the oblast-wide Dazhynki harvest festival to honor the best agricultural workers of the region.

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