Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



12 September 2007

Austrian deputies to visit Gomel oblast

On September 14, a group of deputies of the landtag of the Austrian land of Voralberg will pay an official visit to Gomel, BelTA learnt from Deputy Chairman of the Gomel Oblast Council of Deputies Veniamin Senko. The delegation will include representatives of business and public organizations. The visit is a continuation of the contacts which have been developing by deputies of the two regions for several years. During the visit, the Austrian guests will visit industrial companies, kindergartens, meet with the leadership of the Gomel oblast. The Austrian parliamentarians will get familiar with the work of a mini-thermoelectric power station which uses secondary recourses at the Gomel-based Chemical Plant. Today, the Gomel region jointly with the Voralberg landtag are implementing the project on setting up a biogas plant – the first one in the Gomel oblast of Belarus.
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