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25 April 2010

Belarus’ local elections as important as parliamentary elections

GOMEL, 25 April (BelTA) – Elections to local councils are as important as elections to the Belarus parliament, Gomel Oblast Governor Alexander Yakobson told media on 25 April. “Nobody will deny that it is members of local councils who talk to their voters virtually every day, who know what people need and are concerned about. The matters local councils deal with mostly concern a specific person. What could be more important? We don’t always see this assiduous work. The scale of it is not so large to be largely advertised but its value can be hardly overestimated,” believes the Gomel Oblast Governor. In his opinion, deficiencies in the operation of individual local councils can exist only due to poor organization in a specific constituency. “It is necessary to guide the deputies correctly, to organize a system for their cooperation. Then the results will be prominent,” Alexander Yakobson is convinced.

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