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12 June 2008

Belarus, Ukraine oblasts to develop economic, cultural cooperation

Cross border cooperation of Belarus and Ukraine shows a good outlook for the further development. The matter was touched upon at a meeting between the heads of the border regions of the Gomel, Brest, Kiev, Zhitomir, Volynsk, Rovno and Chernigov oblasts with the participation of the heads of the offices of the Belarusian and Ukrainian Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Chernigov (Ukraine) on June 12, BelTA learnt from the information department of the Chernigov oblast executive committee. The participants of the meeting considered the present-day situation, major problems and the outlook of the bilateral border cooperation, agreed upon the further strengthening of the regional links. Attending the meeting were Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus in Ukraine Valentin Velichko and his Ukrainian counterpart Igor Likhovyi. The meeting ended up with signing of a protocol between the seven regions on the further development of the cross-border cooperation of Belarus and Ukraine in the foreign economic, humanitarian and cultural areas. The next meeting will take place in Gomel in December 2008.
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