Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



12 December 2007

Belarusian wallpaper to be supplied to Israel and Mongolia

OAO Gomeloboi (a wallpaper producer) has started to export its product to Israel and Mongolia. As BelTA learnt in the Gomel-based company, OAO Gomeloboi has already exported wallpaper at the amount of more than $100 thousand to Mongolia. The first consignment at the amount of $30 thousand has already sent to Israel. In the near future, the company plans to establish cooperation with Romania and Sweden. In January-November this year, the export of the company increased by 3.3% on the same period last year. In Russia, the company sells its products through dealer network and trading houses in Moscow and Saratov. According to specialists, in 2007 the company implemented a number of projects to modernize the production. In particular, OAO Gomeloboi purchased the automated paints blending system PLANT “FS 189” to the tune of EUR108 thousand. Moreover, the company renovated the equipment to produce printing forms. The Gomel Wall-Paper Factory was founded in 1927. The company exports its product to all the CIS countries, Poland, Bulgaria, Israel and Mongolia. In 2007, OAO Gomeloboi participated in the national and specialized exhibitions in Poland, Russia, Kazakhstan, Venezuela, the Baltic states and Moldova.
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