Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



5 June 2008

Belgeologiya to evaluate Gomel oblast geothermal energy potential

The specialists of Belgeologiya Company will evaluate the potential of geothermal energy in the Gomel oblast, BelTA learnt from Yaroslav Gribik, the chief oil and gas geologist. Two old wells, Borisovskaya #504 and Berezinskaya #1, are set to be restored for detailed research of an opportunity to use underground water energy in the Gomel region. “These two objects will help receive full information about the temperature of geothermal water at different levels,” the interlocutor said. The specialist has added that the geothermal energy resources depend on the geological peculiarities of the territory and the degree of warmness in the earth interior. Thus, for instance, the southern part of the country has grounds where the temperature of rocks reaches 100 degrees centigrade. However, deeper inside salinity increases what impedes water extraction. In this case successful usage of geothermal energy will depend on special technological decisions.
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