Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



12 June 2008

Belorusneft to send more oil well repair teams to Western Siberia in July

Manufacturing Corporation Belorusneft is successfully expanding its presence on the Russian market and the amount of services relating to major overhaul of oil wells in Western Siberia. In July the number of the company’s teams, which offer these services in the Yamalo-Nenets District will increase from six to ten, the company’s press service told BelTA. The increase is directly attributed to tendencies of the oil service market of the Russian Federation, where the demand for companies offering bundled repairs, drilling and well restoration services has been high for the last several years. Set up in the town of Gubkinsky last year, Belorusneft’s branch offers exactly these services. The personnel the enterprise employs is expected to largely increase by the end of the year to more than 700 people. Sidetracking used to beef up reservoir recovery accounts for over 70% of the work the Belarusian enterprise does in Western Siberia at present. Major overhaul of wells and prospecting seismology make up only 6% but specialists believe the figure will increase by the end of the year. Founded in 1966, production association Belorusneft is part of Belarusian petrochemical concern Belneftekhim. It prospects and develops oil fields, drills wells, extracts oil and associated petroleum gas. The corporation includes Belarusian Gas Processing Plant and oil industry research institute BelNIPIneft. Belorusneft boasts Belarus’ largest reservoir capacity and over 400 petrol and gas refuelling stations, which enable the company to stay a top supplier of petroleum and gas products in the country.
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