Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



5 December 2007

BMZ awarded at Central and Eastern Europe quality tournament

National unitary company Belarusian Steel Works (BMZ) has become a laureate of the 3rd international quality tournament of Central and Eastern Europe countries. The award will be presented in Romania during the seventh international quality conference of Central and Eastern Europe countries on December 6, BelTA learnt from the BMZ’s information and ideology department. BMZ is the first major Belarusian manufacturer to win the award. As a rule, the awardees use their newly acquired status to expand partnering relations and attract new customers. All in all, the tournament is rather an effective tool of international benchmarking that encourages companies to improve themselves and reveals the best ones in Central and Eastern Europe. Simultaneously it is a bridge between national quality awards of Central and Eastern Europe countries and the more prestigious European quality award. All winners are recommended taking part in the European quality award competition. BMZ was founded in 1984. At present national unitary enterprise Belarusian Steel Works is a major exporter shipping its make to nearly 60 countries across the globe. Merchandise export accounts for more than 87% of the company’s output. BMZ specialises in cast sections, rolled sections, profiled iron, reinforcing bars, metal cord. The company employs 13,000 people. In 2007 BMZ plans to turn out 2.27 million tonnes of steel, over 180% up on 1991. The accomplishment of the plans will allow the company to earn $1.4 billion in profits. In 2007 BMZ plans to appropriate Br559 billion for investments purposes.
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