Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



25 August 2006

BMZ eager to set up joint venture in Central Africa

Belarusian Metallurgical Plant (BMZ trademark) plans to start selling its make in Central Africa. To make it possible, the company plans to set up a joint venture in the region, company representatives informed BelTA. According to the source, the BMZ sells the make in Southern and Northern Africa, while Central Africa is "a blind spot in the company's export geography and should be taken care of". The source added, the first batch of goods had been recently shipped to Brazil, which market had been difficult to enter for a long time. In mid-October a team of BMZ specialists will be dispatched to Brazil to expand co-operation and sign specific contracts on supplying BMZ products. The plant has been supplying its production to Japan for three years. Only recently the plant used to import rolled wire for metal cord production at more than USD1,000 per tonne from Japan. At present the company uses its own rod to produce metal cord and exports it to Japan. The company actively cooperates with countries of the South-East region: India, Pakistan, and Singapore. Thus, in September a group of Indian specialists is planning to visit the company to talk over supplies of metal cord and other metal products to that country. According to company specialists, only two years ago Belarusian Metallurgical Plant used to supply its production to 40 countries worldwide but now the plant has export contracts with 60 states. Moreover, if in 2003 Belarusian Metallurgical Plant turned out USD300 million worth of commodities, in H1 2006 the figure reached USD566 million. Over the last three years the plant’s production volume and export have tripled.
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