Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



23 October 2008

BMZ to pursue more flexible export policy

The Belarusian Steel Works (BMZ trademark) is not planning to cut down the production volume though the situation on the international steel market has changed, BMZ Director General Nikolai Andrianov told reporters on October 23 in Gomel which hosts the International Foundry and Metallurgy 2008. Belarus Conference. The BMZ exports 85% of its output to more than 50 countries. As no other Belarusian company the BMZ is firmly integrated into the global market. According to Nikolai Andrianov, the international demand for some steel goods has reduced. The prices have gone down too. At the same time the prices, for example, for seamless hot-rolled pipes remain high. “Our products sell well and we are not going to scale back the production. Another point is that we try to respond swiftly to all changes and trade in those products which are in demand in all markets,” he said. Speaking about the construction of a sheet rolling facility, Nikolai Adnrianov said that many countries have expressed interest in this investment project. Among them is Great Britain which will host the Belarusian Investment Forum in November where the BMZ will present its sheet rolling project.

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