Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



25 January 2008

Br226m allocated for small business support programme in Gomel oblast in 2008

The Gomel oblast budget is expected to apportion Br226 million for implementing a programme for the state support for small businesses in 2008, BelTA learnt from Marina Krivun, Deputy Chairwoman of the Economy Committee of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee, Head of the Entrepreneurship Department. Br160 million will be channelled into financial and lending support for small businesses for implementing investment projects, promoting manufacturing cooperation schemes between small businesses and large industrial enterprises for the sake of improving the competitive ability of small companies, their manufacturing and innovative potential. Apart from that, some money will be spent on perfecting the operation of institutions in charge of supporting entrepreneurship and perfecting informational support. Marina Krivun added, the Gomel oblast had been working to encourage entrepreneurship for several years. In 2007 thanks to the oblast budget support two new projects were launched. For example, ZAO Uvarovichistroimaterialy started manufacturing polymer goods. The project created 15 jobs.
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