Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



9 November 2006

By New Year confectionery Spartak to prepare more than 500 thousand boxes of candies for children

By the New Year holidays confectionery Spartak will prepare more than 500 thousand boxes of candies for children, BelTA was told in the marketing department of the company. Spartak started preparing boxes of candies at the end of September and at present this work is coming to an end. According to the specialists, bearing in mind that next year will be the Year of the Boar some of the boxes will bear corresponding symbols. The design of the presents will be changed as well. Jointly with the traditional cardboard boxes Spartak will prepare fur toys full of candies “Big Pig”, “Fur Pig – Children’s Bag”, metal and plastic candy containers. On the whole, the company will make 14 various types of boxes with sweets. A box will weigh from 440 grams to 2,5 kilos. The price will range from Br4,5 thousand to Br30 thousand. The biggest sets will be “Palace of the Ice Queen” and “House” weighing 2,5 kilos. Moreover, the company is preparing about 10 products for grown-ups. These will be boxes of candies bearing New Year symbols.
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