Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



26 December 2006

Church of St. George Victorious burnt in Mozyr to be restored

The church of St. George the Victorious that was burnt in Mozyr on December 25 will be restored. The restoration works will be started in spring 2007, priest of the church Father Valeriy told BelTA. According to the press service of the Gomel oblast emergencies department, in the morning on December 25, the Mozyr town emergencies department was informed about the fire in the church of the St. George the Victorious. The rescuers, who arrived at the fire point immediately, localized the fire but they could not save the church. Malefactors wet the corners of the church with diesel oil. As a result of it, the church was destroyed completely. Arsonists engraved some diabolic inscriptions on the walls of the building. A criminal case regarding the arson has been initiated. The Mozyr and Turov Eparchy has already passed a decision to restore the church. According to Father Valeriy, the construction of a stone church will start in March next year.
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