Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



10 January 2008

Delegations from Russia, Ukraine to arrive in Gomel oblast to attend oblast’s 70th anniversary celebrations

Delegations from the neighboring regions of Russia and Ukraine will arrive in the Gomel oblast to attend the celebrations in honour of the oblast’s 70th anniversary. Representatives of the Chernigov, Zhitomir and Bryansk oblasts will partake in the festive events scheduled for January 18 in Gomel, BelTA learned in the foreign economic relations department of the economy committee of the Gomel oblast executive committee. Delegations from Kiev and south-western administrative okrug of Moscow have been invited to attend the celebrations too. The Gomel oblast has close trade and economic relations as well as long-standing friendly links with these regions. Officially the Gomel oblast was established on January 15, 1938, when the USSR Supreme Soviet adopted a resolution “On amendments and additions to the USSR Constitution aricles on administrative division in the BSSR”. In accordance with the resolution, two oblasts (Gomel and Polessye) were established on the territory of the modern-day Gomel oblast which were reunited into one in 1954.
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