Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



24 August 2006

Delegations of Gomel oblast’s border regions partake in celebrations of Ukraine’s Independence Day

Delegations of the Gomel oblast’s border regions are taking part in the celebrations of the Ukraine’s Independence Day, BelTA was informed by the Gomel oblast executive committee’s press service. Today representatives of the Narovlya, Khoiniki and Chechersk regions have headed for the Narodichi region of Zhitomir oblast and Kulikovka region of Chernigov oblast of Ukraine. Representatives of the local authorities, folk bands and sports teams are members of the delegations. According to the press service, apart from the celebrations the participants of the meetings will discuss the bilateral economic and cultural relations. In particular, a delegation of the Chechersk region is planning to sign a cooperation agreement with the Kulikovka region administration. The Gomel oblast’s border regions traditionally keep close neighborly relations with the Ukrainian regions. Delegations exchange and their participation in state holidays, sports competitions and festivals have become regular.
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