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16 May 2006

Draft agreement on harmonizing CIS technical regulations discussed in Gomel

A meeting of the scientific-technical commissions on harmonizing technical regulations and standardization of the inter-state council /ISC/ on standardization, metrology and certification of the CIS member-states is taking place in Gomel. Representatives of the national standardization bodies of Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Moldova and the ISC standardization bureau are taking part in the meeting. As BelTA was informed by head of the standardization department of the State Standard Committee of the Republic of Belarus Irina Nikolaeva, the three-day meeting, which will close tomorrow, will discuss a draft agreement on the grounds of harmonization of the technical regulations of the CIS member-states. The agreement envisages development of interstate models of technical regulations with their further application in the national technical regulations. Such approach will let regulate obligatory requirements to products supplied within the bounds of the CIS member-states and will help move technical barriers in mutual trade. Moreover, the participants of the meeting will determine the short-term interstate standardization priorities. Special emphasis will be placed on mechanical engineering and agriculture. “Standards should not be conservative; they should reflect requirements of scientific-technical progress”, Irina Nikolaeva believes.
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