Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



17 December 2010

Early voting in Gomel oblast properly organized

GOMEL, 17 December (BelTA) – Early voting in Gomel Oblast is conducted in strict compliance with Belarusian legislation and is highly organized, BelTA learned from CIS observer Oleg Kolpachuk after he visited a number of polling stations in Gomel. According to Oleg Kolpachuk, who has been in Gomel Oblast since 15 December, he did not have any remarks regarding the operation of precinct commissions. “Polling stations are supplied with all the necessary documents, including visual propaganda, ballot boxes for early voting are sealed,” Oleg Kolpachuk said. He also pointed out the benevolent attitude of precinct commission chairmen whom he talked to. “They answered all the questions within their competence,” Oleg Kolpachuk added. He also stressed that it was his personal assessment of the organizational level of early voting in Gomel Oblast. The general assessment and the text of the CIS observers’ mission statement will be approved at the session of the Observation Mission Coordination Council. At present independent observers from CIS countries and the CIS Executive Committee as well as OSCE ODIHR short-term observers are still arriving in Gomel. According to preliminary figures, about 60 international observers will be involved in monitoring the election in Gomel Oblast. Local observers have started working at polling stations. The election commissions in Gomel Oblast have accredited 4,270 local observers, who represent companies, political parties, and public organizations. On the first day of early voting they had no essential complaints regarding the operation of territorial and precinct commissions. All in all, there are 26 territorial election commissions in Gomel Oblast, including one oblast commission, 21 district ones, and four town district commissions in the towns. 338 people comprise the commissions. In addition, there are 1,114 precinct commissions.

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