Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



9 June 2006

Emergencies officers enhance safety in homes of risk-group citizens in run-up to heating season

Groups of emergencies officers and young rescuers have been appointed in Gomel oblast to inspect the condition of stoves in homes of the risk-group citizens (families with many children, disabled and lonely elderly people), the emergencies ministry told BelTA. The activities have been organized by the local emergencies department (Grodno oblast department of the emergencies ministry). The inspectors assess how much is to be done to bring the stoves in due condition and help repair some stoves involving the concerned agencies. The emergencies ministry urges the citizens of the afore-mentioned groups to display initiative and call the local emergencies departments with requests to repair stove heating systems. The necessity of the present activities has been fueled by the statistics of the previous heating season when every forth fire was caused by the violation of the rules of mantling and exploitation of stoves. Those fires left 18 dead.
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