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18 April 2006

Enver Bariyev positive about cooperation of Belarusian, Ukrainian emergency ministries

Cooperation of Belarusian and Russian life-saving servicemen in the emergency prevention field runs smoothly, Belarusian emergency minister Enver Bariyev told BelTA. Today Enver Bariyev took part in a sitting of the board of the Gomel region emergency service department. Enver Bariyev noted, the Belarusian-Ukrainian cooperation for prevention and liquidation of emergencies is carried out as part of an international intergovernmental agreement. At present in line with the document joint actions are taken together with emergency service units of Chernigov and Zhitomir regions in order to liquidate flooding consequences and render assistance to the affected population and commercial entities. Besides, the rescuers promptly exchange information about the water level situation in borderline areas. According to the minister, Belarusian and Ukrainian emergency services inform each other about all transboundary emergencies. A special attention is paid to prevention of fires in radiation-polluted territories. Asked about the flooding status in Gomel region, Enver Bariyev said, the situation progresses favourably, though the spring flooding has not peaked yet.
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