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11 October 2007

EU ambassadors stand for promoting cooperation with Belarusian regions

Ambassadors of the European Union member states stand for promoting economic cooperation with the Belarusian regions. A statement to this effect was made on October 11 at a meeting between the diplomats and top officials of Gomel oblast held in Gomel. In particular, the diplomats representing Latvia, Slovakia, Great Britain and Bulgaria put forward proposals concerning the intensification of bilateral links. For example, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bulgaria to Belarus Petko Ganchev deems it necessary to develop new cooperation forms, in particular in setting up joint ventures. One more important cooperation area is the implementation of projects aimed at mitigating the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe. According to charge d'affaires ad interim of Slovakia to Belarus, Lubomir Rehak, in 2005-2007 the EU countries have allocated ?28 million to carry out Chernobyl projects in Belarus. The implementation of one more such project is underway in Gomel oblast – “Cooperation for Rehabilitation” (CORE). This cooperation will be continued, Lubomir Rehak stressed. At the same time special attention will be turned to radio-ecological informing people, who live in the contaminated area. The EU ambassadors are visiting Gomel oblast on October 11-12. The trip is organized by the embassy of the Slovakian Republic in Belarus, the local presidency of the EU in Belarus on behalf of Portugal.
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