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14 June 2006

First contest among Gomel region police patrolmen arranged

Today the first regional professionalism contest among police patrolmen will start in Gomel. Law enforcement agency head of the regional police department Yuri Selivanov told BelTA, the main goal of the contest is improving the skills of the patrolmen and increasing the level of co-operation between units involved in the protection of public order. The contest gathered 18 teams, which represent patrol units of the patrol and inspection service regiment of Gomel region police department and military unit #5525 of the interior ministry troops. According to the source, the contest programme includes tests patrolmen have to face on everyday basis. The participants have to show their professionalism in shooting, medical assistance, biathlon and many other tests. The contest ends on June 16. During the closing ceremony the regional winning team will be named. The team will represent the region at the national contest.
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