Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



8 June 2006

For five months of current year Gomel oblast increases capital investments 1,6 times

In January-May this year Gomel oblast met all socio-economic targets, BelTA was informed by chair of the economy department of the Gomel oblast executive committee Elvira Karnitskaya. In particular, within this period the region boosted production by 11.8 per cent against the same period of 2005. Agricultural output grew by more than eight per cent; production of consumer goods – by six per cent. For the five months capital investments were increased by 61 per cent compared to the analogous period of 2005 and made over Br800 billion. Economic subjects of the region were showing good dynamics of the foreign economic activity. In January-April exports grew by 21 per cent (the task was six per cent), at the same time imports fell by 17 per cent. The retail trade turnover grew by more than 16 per cent against the same period of 2005; the volume of paid services to the population – by almost 12 per cent.
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