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20 April 2007

Funding of Chernobyl programs in Gomel oblast to increase by Br 13bn in 2007

In 2007, the republican budget will allocate Br 327 billion for the mitigation of consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe, which is Br 13 billion more than last year, chief of the department for mitigation of consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe of the Gomel oblast executive committee Eugeny Belash told a press conference today. In his words, the funds will be channeled into the implementation of the law on social security of people affected by the catastrophe, i.e. payment of compensations, benefits, pensions, free school meals. Some Br 76 billion will be allocated for the agricultural sector; Br 33 billion will be used to supply affected regions with gas and water. Significant funds will be utilized in housing construction for resettled families. Eugeny Belash noted that this year the process of resettlement will be completed.
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