Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



15 June 2006

Gomel allocates Br 3.6 billion for ecologic projects this year

Gomel will utilize a total of Br3.6 billion for implementation of ecological projects this year. Today during a regular session of the town council Gomel deputies considered issues on improving the ecological situation in the town as well as priority areas of environmental protection for 2006-2010. According to the information given to BelTA by deputy chairman of the Gomel town executive committee Nikolai Usov, in 2005 Gomel saw a major improvement in its ecological situation. The projects to prevent air pollution and to purify the rive Sozh basin have been implemented. According to Nikolai Usov, within next five years the ecological issues will remain a priority. The town authorities plan to settle the urgent ecologic problems stage-by-stage. Thus, this year the republican fund of environmental protection allocated Br3,6 billion for the purposes, of them 80 per cent will be streamed for construction of recycling and sewage disposal plants, the objects of pressing necessity in the town.
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