Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



20 April 2006

Gomel and Clermont-Ferrand to celebrate 30th anniversary of twin-city relations in 2007

In 2007 Gomel and the French city of Clermont-Ferrand will celebrate the 30th anniversary of establishing twin-city relations. The plans of the celebrations have been discussed today during a meeting between the French delegation and the oblast administration in the Gomel town council. According to director of the Clermont-Ferrand international contacts department Gerard Renault, the 30-year long friendship with Gomel will be celebrated by BelTA correspondent Sergei Kholodilin’s photo-exhibition featuring pictures of the Belarusian twin-city. The exposition will be dedicated to the 21st anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe. The photos by the Belarusian correspondent provide a deep insight into the tragedy. A series of photos will give the French citizens a chance to know more about various aspects of life of Gomel residents. Moreover, several events involving students of the two cities are supposed to take place. Gerard Renault said, along with existing humanitarian ties the sides need to develop a closer cooperation in the economy and ecology fields. One of the first steps in this direction will be participation of Gomel companies in a national agricultural exhibition scheduled for October 2007. It should be noted, representatives of the French delegation are taking part in the international conference "Chernobyl after 20 Years. Strategy for Recovery and Sustainable Development of the Affected Regions".
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