Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



13 June 2006

Gomel-based Elektroapparatura starts producing gas stoves

Gomel-based open joint-stock company Elektroapparatura has started producing household gas stoves. Company director Viktor Zhikhar told BelTA, today the company will produce a pilot batch of 50 stoves. The stoves will undergo certification tests for the next fortnight. After that the company will start serial production. According to the director, the main parts of the gas stove model were designed by the company engineers. The stove has four various capacity burners, an electric oven with smooth temperature adjustment. The stove weighs not more than 30 kg. The basic model will cost at most USD100 to end customers. This year the company plans to produce up to 10,000 gas stoves. The company plans to sell the bulk of the output in Russia, which demand for gas stoves is expected to reach 12 million units in the next few years. Meanwhile, Viktor Zhikhar noted, the stoves can obtain their place on the home market as well thanks to their premium price-quality correlation. Elektroapparatura enterprise was founded in 1946. At present Elektroapparatura OJSC is the leading national producer of power circuit protection equipment, special switching equipment and household domestic appliances. The company employs 1,200 people. The monthly output makes Br2.5 billion.
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