Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



19 April 2006

Gomel builds up twin-city relations with China Huang

Gomel and the Chinese city of Huang should promote closer cooperation in economy, education and sport, said the mayor of Huang city while meeting with Gomel city leadership today. The Chinese delegation visited Gomselmash and Belarusian State Transport University. In particular, the mayor said, an agreement was reached for Chinese students to study at Belarusian State Transport University. Chinese students will come to Belarus after passing a special Russian language course at a higher educational establishment in Huang. The mayor believes, it will promote development of scientific and technical relations between universities. The Chinese delegation also expressed interest in sharing experience in construction, expanding trade and economic relations as well as contacts in the humanitarian field. The Belarusian side was most interested in Huang free economic zone. The FEZ successful performance allowed the local administration to resolve employment problems and invest significant sums in developing the city infrastructure: building new schools, cultural and sport facilities. On April 20 the Huang delegation will partake in the international conference "Chernobyl after 20 Years. Strategy for Recovery and Sustainable Development of the Affected Regions". The Chinese city of Huang has been Gomel twin-city since 1997.
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