Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



27 October 2009

Gomel Drama Theatre to take part in Slavonic Theatre Meetings Festival in Chernigov

GOMEL, 27 October (BelTA) – A company of the Gomel Oblast Drama Theatre will take part in the 20th international theatre festival, Slavonic Theatre Meetings, which will be held in Chernigov on 27 October – 3 November, BelTA learnt from head of the Gomel Drama Theatre Valentina Moiseenko. Best stagings will be presented by the permanent participants of the festival including the Chernigov Oblast Academic Ukrainian Music and Drama Theatre named after Taras Shevchenko, the Gomel Oblast Drama Theatre, the Bryansk Oblast Children’s Theatre and the Bryansk Drama Theatre named after A. Tolstoy. Companies from Lutsk, Moscow, Kiev, Sevastopol, and other cities are also to attend the festival. The Gomel company will present the famous Moliere’s comedy The Imaginary Invalid staged by Lidia Monakova, the Honoured Art Worker of Belarus. The unique theatrical forum was first held in Chernigov in 1989 on the initiative the theatres of Bryansk, Gomel and Chernigov. Since then the festival has been held in Chernigov and Bryansk annually and in Gomel – once in three years. According to Valentina Moiseenko, the idea to hold annual theatre meetings emerged in the beginning of the 90s, when the collapse of the USSR threatened the creative ties. The festival helps preserve the traditional cultural space and to establish new contacts.

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