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26 January 2007

Gomel executives to take up sports challenge

Gomel Palace of Sport Games is launching today the 8th Olympics for executives of the Gomel oblast administration. As BelTA learnt from chief specialist of the department for physical culture, sports and tourism of the Gomel oblast executive committee Raisa Sashchenko, almost 400 employees of the regional, town and oblast executive committees will take part in the challenge which is set to last till January 28. The Olympiad includes both team and individual competitions. This year Gomel officials will compete in seven sports, including mini-football, volleyball, ping pong, billiards, air gun shooting, etc. Chairman of the oblast executive committee Alexander Yakobson enrolled for air gun shooting, chairman of Korma regional executive committee Vasiliy Yatskevich will take part in chess tournament, head of the administration of Central district of Gomel Ivan Borodinchik – in billiards. The official opening of the Olympiad will be held tomorrow on January 27. The award ceremony is scheduled for January 28.
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