Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



21 November 2008

Gomel heart centre to double surgeries by 2010

The number of heart surgeries performed at the Gomel heart center will rise twice by 2010. It will become possible due to the construction of a new heart and surgical bloc, Anna Lopatina, head physician of the Gomel oblast heart centre, said at the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the centre on November 21. The money for the construction ($4 million) was granted by the government of the People’s Republic of China on a non-repayable basis. The construction was launched in late 2007. The new bloc will accommodate operating rooms and an intensive care unit. Cutting-edge medical equipment will be installed there. According to the head physician, cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death among the region’s population. The introduction of high technologies in the diagnostics and treatment of these diseases would help solve the problem. At present, Gomel surgeons perform about 500 heart surgeries and about 200 surgeries on an open heart. After the new heart and surgical bloc will be put into operation, the number of such surgeries will soar two times.

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